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MHEA Announces Changes

Following a review of the activities of the association the MHEA announces changes to the Secretariat and the Vice-Presidency.

The Materials Handling Engineers Association has appointed a new Vice-President, James Bullock, who will hold the post for the next two years. James, who has been a member of the MHEA’s Executive Committee for several years, took up the role following the announcement of changes to the secretariat.

He takes over the reins from outgoing Vice-President, Linda White, who has held the post since October 2019.

James Bullock said: “I strongly believe that the MHEA is the only association that offers our participating and hopefully future members the opportunity in becoming involved in a body that offers a range of benefits that engage all stakeholders.

“The atmosphere surrounding MHEA events such as visits to industrial plants, conferences, exhibitions, daily workshops and group networking days enables members to obtain clarity on what’s happening in other businesses, customers organisations and the wider world”

“In recent years we have experienced many changes in line with the shifting landscape of our industry and the uncertainty many of our customers face resulting in the need for an adaptable supplier and service base”

Linda White former Vice-President and Executive Committee member is taking the post of Secretariat from 1 March. With over 25 years in the industry Linda brings with her a wealth of experience and will be in contact with members, suppliers and industry stakeholders over the coming months.

“Roy Ball, President welcomed Linda White who will initiate a number of changes to the way in which the association interacts with its members. In addition to organising site visits, events and meetings, Linda will be developing closer relations with members. The MHEA is on a firm footing and I have every confidence it will go from strength to strength.”


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The Materials Handling Engineers’ Association (MHEA)