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Member site visit to Bristol Port, 18 May 2016

Twenty MHEA members took advantage of the opportunity to take part in a site visit to Bristol Port on 18th May, which comprised a tour of both the Avonmouth Dock and Royal Portbury Dock. After an overnight stay nearby for those who wished, the group met at 10.30am and enjoyed an informative minibus tour of both sites. We were accompanied by Martin Downey CEng, Director, who ably and thoroughly answered all members’ questions. The Royal Portbury Dock tour encompassed the forest…

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Key Speaker for BULKEX16 is announced

The Materials Handling Engineers Association is delighted to announce its first key speaker for BULKEX16.

Martin Downey, Bulk Terminal and Operational Engineering Director at The Bristol Port Company will take centre stage at the industry event when it takes place at Harrogate International Centre this autumn on Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 October.

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The Materials Handling Engineers’ Association (MHEA)