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Speakers announced for BULKEX 2015

In October the Materials Handling Engineers Association (MHEA) is debuting BULKEX 2015, the combined exhibition and conference for the bulk and materials handling industry. The MHEA has now announced the first industry presenters for the seminar sessions at the Harrogate International Conference Centre on 21-22 October. Speakers Mike Bradley, Director, The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology Dean Thornewell, President, Joy Global Eurasia Edwin Trout, Secretary, Cement Industry Suppliers’ Forum, The Concrete Society Finnbarr Dowling, Project Director, Siemens Wind…

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MHEA launches BULKEX 2015

For the first time ever, the MHEA will be holding a combined large-scale national exhibition and seminar programme for the bulk materials handling industry. Taking place on 21-22 October 2015, at the Harrogate International Conference Centre, the event will provide an unrivalled opportunity to bring together senior executives from all areas of the materials handling industry and place MHEA members directly in front of potential buyers. Visitors attending the event will have access to more than 50 suppliers who are…

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The Materials Handling Engineers’ Association (MHEA)