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British Steel Site Visit 20.03.19

On Wednesday 20th March 2019 21 members of the MHEA met for a tour of the British Steel site.

British Steel provided an excellent presentation and after members were invited on a tour around the site. Members were able to visit the coal handling plant; observe coke oven batteries pushing coke from safe vantage point; visit ore prep plant observe ore blending operation stacker reclaimer; visit caster operation, witness cast steel bloom discharge and handling; visit Rail and Section mill witness product rolling and visit Rail area 3 witness handling of 216M length rails and loadout.

Our next site visit will be to Tilbury Docks, Essex on 13th June. Please click here for further details and to register your place.


I would like to thank all involved for a most interesting and enjoyable tour of the Scunthorpe Plant recently.

Our introduction presentations were informative, and our tour guides were very knowledgeable regarding all aspects of the production of steel and satisfied all our questions regarding this.

We were shown all aspects of the manufacturing of steel from raw material intake to blast furnace operation and the final rolling facilities. We were all impressed that such a high degree of quality and volume were being proudly manufactured in Scunthorpe.

I can say that all MHEA members attending found it extremely useful and enlightening. Even for those amongst us who already regularly deal with British Steel in some capacity – it was interesting to see other areas of the production that we would not normally see.

We are also treated afterwards to a buffet lunch.

All in all, an excellent experience for our members.

Roy Ball

Vice President – Materials Handling Engineers Association.


We have uploaded the presentation provided by British Steel on the day and can be found in our members area. It is an interesting and informative read.




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The Materials Handling Engineers’ Association (MHEA)