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Fairport clocks up another year of Zero LTA’s

Fairport Engineering Ltd is based in Lancashire, UK and has been in business over 30 years servicing heavy and light industry customers. The company is a specialist contractor offering design and construction services related to bulk materials process and handling systems.

Typically their customers operate in the aggregates, cement, building products, coal, food and chemical, minerals, power and recycling industries. Health & Safety at Fairport Engineering Ltd has been a vital part of its workplace culture for many years. Excellence in this field has not been achieved overnight as can be seen in the company’s recently released accident statistics. These show an impressive and improving performance by the company and its sub-contractors over the last decade.

In its own right Fairport can claim a headline performance that includes, over the last 10 years, an average of over 175,000 hours worked provided by some 80 members of company staff that did not record any LTA’s (Lost Time Accidents). Equally, Fairport’s sub-contractors have provided on average 110,000 hours per year worked over the last decade with an annual average Incidence Rate of 3.0 (LTA’s/1,000 Employees) : a third lower than the National Incidence rate. In specific terms, neither Fairport nor its subcontractors have recorded an LTA for any of the last 4 years (2011 to 2014).

More recently, in 2014 and 2013, Fairport completed capital projects worth some £50,000,000. Over this period the Health and Safety team managed multiple on site workforces, totalling in excess of 100 employees and subcontractors, who
concurrently constructed, completed and handed over all the works with Zero Reportable Accidents & Zero Dangerous

These projects were challenging but successfully delivered against demanding delivery schedules. According to Fairport
Engineering’s Operations Director, Ian Tole, the key to ensuring continued safe working on site is with a continuous programme of training, positive leadership and effective communication” and went on to comment, “We encourage all the
people on our construction sites to make safe choices for themselves and for their work colleagues.”

By way of example, in 2014/13 Fairport Engineering constructed a state of the art recycling facility for a leading UK metal
recycling company. The construction phase involved the management of 84 employees, at peak, operating within an
enclosed portal frame building. Space restrictions within the building led to Fairport Engineering managing an installation programme for process equipment not only at mezzanine floor level but within the buildings’ roof space.

If you would like to read more, please click here.


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