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MHEA members enlightened by Tunstead Quarry Visit

The Materials Handling Engineers Association (MHEA) has organised another successful site visit for its members. Working with Tarmac, the visit to Tunstead Quarry, Derbyshire, took place on 09th May 2018 and over 25 MHEA member companies enjoyed a worthwhile, insightful visit to the quarry, to learn more about the bulk handling requirements that quarries typically face.

The visit was led by Richard Strawford, Reliability Supervisor (L&P) and Phillip Shimwell, Quarry Operations Manager, Tarmac, who welcomed the MHEA members and provided the tour.  Commenting on the visit, Richard Strawford said: “It was good to see so many managers of key suppliers who will now have a better understanding of the impact that they can have on our business, especially regarding my role within reliability.”

The guests had a full tour of Tunstead Quarry, which is one of the largest in the UK, extracting between five and six million tonnes of limestone per annum.  Members heard about some of the processes that can be heavily impacted by their bulk supplies for spares on the fixed assets of the quarry, such as the conveyors, crushers, screens and pipework.

Speaking on behalf of the MHEA, Julie Claus said: “The MHEA organises this type of visit in order to foster greater understanding between our members and their key customers.  The value that such visits provide, and the networking opportunities between different industries is greatly appreciated by all concerned.  The visit to Tunstead Quarry has proved useful to our members who can go back to their businesses with fresh insight about how to meet this client sector’s requirements.”

Members were also given the opportunity to see the primary crusher in operation, as well as witness a blast of around 35,000 tonnes of stone.

If anyone is interested in finding out more about the MHEA as a member or visit partner, please go to or contact Julie Claus by emailing, or call the MHEA on 01787 226995.


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The Materials Handling Engineers’ Association (MHEA)